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It has been known for a long time that the role of food is not only to satisfy hunger. Food can be a true delight, a wonderful adventure, a challenge, an attraction, a pleasure, and the best way to make some moment special. Food simply brings happiness! So it’s hard to think of a better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than celebrating it with great snacks! And since our Pierogarnias have an atmosphere of love and joy all year round – we know exactly what we’re talking about!
When we talk about a romantic dinner, about flavors that are supposed to enchant a loved one and put you in a loving mood, everyone immediately thinks of aphrodisiacs. But do you necessarily have to reach for exotic dishes? Try extravagant additives or force yourself to prepare something that may not turn out as expected? It’s a bit risky, especially on Valentine’s Day… So it’s worth considering, isn’t it the case that everyone is stimulated by different flavors? That it’s just what’s good, ba, best, what everyone tastes? Find your own aphrodisiac…? That’s why, when preparing a Valentine’s Day treat, it’s worth betting on … what simply makes you happy, is that favorite and that which evokes joy. And is there anything more pleasant than heavily stuffed, fresh and hot delicious dumplings? From a wonderfully velvety, aromatic tomato soup like from grandma (red, by the way…)? Isn’t the smell and taste of plump, soft pancakes the one that will put you in a state of bliss and happiness…?
Preparing delicious Valentine’s Day food doesn’t have to mean standing at the pots for hours to cook a tasty surprise! You can always rely on Valentine’s Day catering, which – like Cupid – will deliver to your door what will make your romantic dinner special. At Pierograni Stary Młyn, we may not serve dumplings in the shape of hearts, but we know exactly how to prepare them so that’s where they go. But of course, that’s not the only option – you can order anything, because you can pamper your palate with any dish, too. Whether the acquaintance was born amidst the aroma of sweets or bigos, or blossomed with love over a bowl of delicious salad – the special mood can be recreated in the comfort of your own home, creating an atmospheric atmosphere and serving delightfully delicious Valentine’s Day dishes from our Pierograni, created with true passion and passion!
What does one desire most on Valentine’s Day? Simply put – closeness. Well, maybe still sometimes an element of surprise, a bit of “fireworks”, something extra to end a smug day in the most romantic way. Therefore, for all enthusiasts of Valentine’s Day walks, outings to the movies or trips to the city, our Pierogarnias are open – so that they can go with their loved one to our Pierogarnias for Valentine’s Day lunch or dinner. The right mood and, most importantly, food that will enchant all the senses will be the true dot over the i of a successful Valentine’s Day.
And what is the most delicious thing to eat on Valentine’s Day? There are many possibilities, and certainly for every soul in love there will be something that will make him or her feel exceptionally pampered. With us, love is the overriding ingredient in all dishes, and desire is born with every bite.
For a gentle stimulation of the senses, wonderfully fresh salads are ideal, providing a unique explosion of flavors. If the weather on Valentine’s Day does not spoil – also warm, aromatic soup will be the perfect starter or warming pause in the fervor of Valentine’s Day activities. Waiting for the hungry are our delicious pies in as many renditions as there are colors of love. Crispy, sweet, meaty, vegan… there is something delicious for everyone! And if not from the oven, then lepioches, and among them also a power of flavors, including something special for a romantic dinner or afternoon tea, namely our wonderfully sweet DesserLove, with cherries and Belgian chocolate. Of course, that’s not all – there are also pancakes in various guises, perfect for a winter snack and, of course, desserts, the sweetness of which will perfectly conquer the romantic mood and, indeed, further sweeten the Valentine’s Day moments.
In fact, there will be aphrodisiacs with us as well… Because we do not begrudge chocolate, and it, as you know, can do wonders! So with us everyone will feel the magic of love, the one flowing from the heart and the one straight from the plate!
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